Wednesday, August 23, 2006

.......Like A Chicken With It's Head Cut Off!!!

Myspace layouts

Yes, this is really a chicken with it's head cut off! You all know the old saying, "Running around like a chicken with their head cut off". Well, that's me today!! LOL Yes, I guess this is a bit graphic and morbid. lol That's me though.....get to the point, always!!

If any of you read my first blog you'll have an idea of what today is going to be like. I have to register two kids at the high school, do the banking, go to Costco and GI Joes, pick up a bike at the bike shop, go to Bi Mart, drive to Junction City to pick up the boat, & then go grocery shopping! LOL I'm tired just thinking about it! LOL Oh, and then work on packing for our camping trip. We are leaving tomorrow....I can't wait!!! Paradise, here I come!!!

This weekend should be interesting. The beginning of it anyway. The reverse in my husband's truck went out and my truck is still "in the shop". I asked him how I was supposed to put the boat in the water if the truck couldn't go into reverse. Do you know what my husband informed me to do? LOL He said, "Use GRAVITY"!!! LOL Ok, gravity here I come!! LOL

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