Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Sunday!

Wow, it's Sunday! A day to catch up on laundry and clean......again. lol It's never ending. One good thing though.........I did finish cleaning out the family room! Everything from my small storage unit had been put in there and boy was there a lot! I rented a dumpster and had them dump it once last week and I'll have them dump it one more time this week then I should be good. John is happy.....he finally has his weight bench in the house! Maybe I'll wonder in there sometime and try them out! lol It feels good to almost have my house put all together from the move.

1 comment:

George & Debbi said...

it's been a cleaning day for me too, i've been getting ready for our st patricks day dinner today. so glad to hear you're finding places for all your stuff i still need to do that myself but i did get some done today. small dent.